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Synthesis development technician; Chemical synthesis researcher


Synthesis processes in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry make use of organic and inorganic chemical products to produce active ingredients with specific physical and chemical properties. In recent years, a number of new products and applications have emerged thanks to the development of new synthetic processes and methodologies, heightened knowledge of molecular reactivity and the availability of new commercial reagents and protective groups. Furthermore, the development of asymmetric synthesis, organometallic compounds, photochemistry and in particular combinatorial synthesis, has made organic synthesis an essential method for supplying structures in industry. In this context, synthesis specialists perform tasks related to the design, development, optimisation and scaling of processes for the synthesis of new products, the improvement of existing synthetic routes and products, drawing up reports and methodologies in relation to the technologies developed, making it possible to transfer these across the pilot plant and production unit; isolating, identifying and synthesising impurities associated with manufacturing process and natural products. To do so, they make use of a skilled team and cutting-edge technical media.


  • Keep track of availability on the market of raw materials, reagents, solvents, resins and other products, studying suppliers in collaboration with the purchasing department.
  • Interact with the R&D work group, obtaining information about the acquisition of compounds, helping them to assess new projects from the chemical point of view and giving their view on their potential for success.
  • Design new chemical products and new synthetic methodologies for preparing natural or artificial products, applying IT tools, structure-activity relationships and bibliographic research. This work is performed in collaboration with a research team made up of pharmacologists and computational chemistry technicians.
  • Perform studies relating to the modification of existing synthetic processes in order to minimise waste or by-products.
  • Undertake the development of the synthesis of new products in the laboratory and the impurities obtained during the process.
  • Coordinate the analysis and quantification of the products obtained through spectographic and chromatographic testing, isolating and identifying the structure of the impurities and studying polymorphism.
  • Optimise the macroscopic parameters of the synthetic process and take responsibility for the production of small batches of high value-added products in the preparatory stage.
  • Supervise the work of the laboratory technicians and production operators and the use of the equipment for the synthesis and analysis process.
  • Draw up reports and methodologies in relation to the technology developed, so as to transfer it to the pilot plant.
  • Participate in the scaling phase for the pilot plant equipment in order to produce batches of products using good manufacturing practices, and in the transfer of the processes developed to the industrial production stage.
  • Publish the results obtained in international journals and give presentations at congresses. This step normally comes after assuring the protection of the new product or methodology by patenting it.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

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Unió Europea FSE