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This professional specialises in the creation of aesthetic special effects on the faces and bodies of models, therefore modifying their original aspect and giving them the likeness desired. Special effects makeup is generally used in the creation of a fantasy subject matter, or to recreate certain effects on the skin, such as injuries, scars, malformations, etc. This is also applied in actor/actress characterisation and in the creation of animatronic characters or visual effects.


  • Devise and conceive the characterisation of the subject in question, defining the physical characteristics to be achieved.
  • When dealing with a readily defined concept, establish the best suited characterisation process and decide on the technical operations to be carried out.
  • Decide which materials are those best suited to achieve the desired result and place the relevant orders will the appropriate suppliers (some professional VFX makeup products are difficult to find in Spain).
  • If the work is to be executed as a team, organise and distribute the relevant tasks and roles required at every stage of the project.
  • Produce characterisation items by creating prosthetics and using modelling processes. To do so, take measurements and obtain moulds of the subject to be characterised. Upon obtaining positives of these moulds and by using modelling techniques, create the fake items to be used, such as elfin ears, deformed hands, dentures , etc.
  • If no prosthetics are required, use different stick-on materials (latex foam, gelatine, silicone) to be subsequently attached to the body or face of the model.
  • Once the prostheses and fake parts are created and in place, apply the most appropriate techniques to integrate all components under an even makeup. Use air-brushing techniques, for instance.
  • Take suitable photographs of any creations in order to show the optimal lighting conditions under which to present the FX work.
  • When on set, manipulate the work (usually previously created in the workshop), adapt it to the actors, overseeing and attending to any performance or shoot related incidents.
  • Advise the model on the best way to maintain and preserve the makeup.
  • Design and build animatronic characters which can be manipulated with a remote control or computer. This solution is appropriate when due to the character features to be achieved, makeup alone is not enough to confer the necessary credibility. These are also used to create characters which can not be played by an actor.
  • Once the work is finished, remove all makeup and prostheses, cleaning any residues without harming the model or leaving sequelae.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE