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Art surveyors are responsible for the classification, assessment, authenticity and, sometimes, valuation of cultural goods and of works of art. They must have extremely broad educations that allow them to provide opinions about the works that belong to a wide range of different periods, types and subject matters. Surveyors specialise at times. This professional profile requires having contacts in the work market.


  • Meticulously analyses the work in order to be able to give an expert opinion on it.
    Identify and opine on the authorship of the piece (maestro, workshop, school, etc.).
    Use a specialised bibliography to this end.
    Draw up a report with a full description of the work and specify the type of material, the technique employed, the signature, possible identifying marks, etc.
  • Value the work.
    Confirm its authenticity.
    Carries out an assessment by considering criteria related to dating, rarity (frequency of the model, whether it belongs to a complete set or not), completeness and degree of conservation (total or partial conservation, possible previous restorations, state of conservation), origin (owner, exceptional culture) and singularity or multiplicity (in the form of copy or reproduction).
  • Draws up detailed reports on the analysis process that has been performed.
  • Can sometimes carry out the financial and commercial valuation or estimate of the work.

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Centre per al desenvolupament professional Porta22

Barcelona Treball (Porta22)
Llacuna, 156-162, 08018 Barcelona

Monday to Friday from 9 to 18 h

Generalitat de Catalunya
Unió Europea FEDER
Unió Europea FSE